Part 4: Clowning Around
Update 004: Clowning Around

Having arrived via the road, we arrive where the road enters the map, in the lower right. If we'd used flying to come in over the mountains a bit farther north of the path in New Sorpigal, we would have arrived at an equivalent spot on the edge of the Castle Ironfist map. Usually, though, it's worthwhile to follow the roads since you can otherwise sometimes enter a map right in the middle of a monster cluster or in some hard-to-navigate geometry that you need to cast Fly to wriggle out of at all.

The initial ambush is pretty easy to handle, in general the Castle Ironfist overworld has relatively few obvious threats, but it does have a couple of non-obvious ones.

First goal of any new town: check for horseshoes at the stables. I believe horseshoes and other grabbable items, like fruit trees, refresh at the same pace as monsters do. I.e. 6 months to 2 years, in-game, depending on which region you're in.

This guy also sells Berserker's Fury memberships, which I buy since that's where I can teach the party to use bows. It's the building right next door and everyone gets a lesson, then armed up with the spare crossbows I found in Goblinwatch. Thanks to Bobelix's Expert Spirit Magic, he can bless everyone at once, and this actually means that even the terrible combatants like Agnes and Richmond can land shots. Not that there's a great difference between them and Bobelix, since there are no class-inherent combat bonuses, only skill bonuses, so Deadeye is the only member of the party that's actually a notably better archer than the rest. I also get Expert Swordsmanship for Bobelix while I'm here, since the trainer is just around the corner. This makes him have less cooldown between swings in melee.

The next door has the Expert Bowmanship(for Deadeye) teacher and a chatter NPC. Though she also introduces us to the guilds from here on out having a membership per-element. Thankfully memberships are all incredibly dirt cheap, so I'm not quite sure why they bothered. At least in M&M5, finding the membership NPC sometimes took some effort(if I remember right, the one for Necropolis was in the lava-filled sewers) or cost a decent amount of money.

At the end of the road is a better inn than the one in New Sorpigal, letting us fill our packs to almost four times as much food as previously. It's also worth noting that it's not some world map sections that require more food, but literally the type of tile you try to rest on. I discover this later as Ironfist has grass, dirt, road and swamp times around. The swamp tiles are 3 food per rest, the road and dirt tiles are 2 per rest and the grass tiles are 1 per rest. If you don't pay attention to that, you can easily end up spending more food than necessary.

Predictably that is exactly what stepping on the platform will do.

Among other things that have changed from New Sorpigal to Castle Ironfist is that while the New Sorpigal healers say "Luck be with you" when you leave, the Castle Ironfist healers say "Live long and prosper!" They do this because Jon van Caneghem and the rest of the New World Computing team are completely unapologetic trekkies and huge nerds besides.

The guilds up here also have an expanded selection of Mind, Spirit and Body spells:
Remove Curse: Fuck me but Curse is possibly the worst condition to be hit by. Unlike the rest it has no penalties to health, spell points or stats... but it just fails a flat 50% of all your actions. Fuck everything in this game that can Curse, you need and want Remove Curse. Thankfully there are no cursed items that stick themselves to you.
Guardian Angel: While active, if the party dies, they lose half their gold and are warped to the last temple they visited, all returned to life. Would be great if the game had any means for enforcing an ironman mode or permadeath, but as it comes with a save and load function, this spell is a bit unexceptional, though I suppose that with clever use, it could be abused for expensive, early town portal effects and is probably part of some galaxy brain speedrun stat.
Heroism: Like Bless, but affecting damage instead of chance to hit. Is part of keeping your melee and bow combatants competitive into the endgame. Even if you only had 1 point of Spirit magic skill, it would be a +6 damage, and considering that a lot of weapons at this stage do something like 3d7 damage, that's a pretty big addition!
Turn Undead: Forces all Undead enemies to turn around and run away from you. I have never cast this spell, but I can see it being useful to get breathing space in dungeons where there isn't a lot. All spells that make enemies run away end as soon as you hit them, so make sure they get some distance before you turn the arrows and spells on them again.
Cure Paralysis: As expected, Paralysis simply prevents a party member from acting at all. This is very bad. Be sure to have the spell for curing this before you enter the midgame. You can also mix potions to deal with it, and it's worth having a couple of those stocked up.
Charm: Stops a single creature attacking you until you attack it again. Magnificently useless unless you're up against a single boss enemy, but since enemies also get to resist conditions, based on their level, and bosses usually have really high levels... yeahno.
Mass Fear: Turn Undead but for living enemies. Again, maybe useful but... note the thing about enemy saves.
Feeblemind: Prevents a single enemy from "casting spells." Enemies do not cast spells like PC's, but some enemies' secondary ranged attack is explicitly a spell(one of the same the PC's can cast, usually, but with no details on what skill level they cast it at), and this would defuse those assuming it stuck. Still, only a single enemy so... I guess maybe worth hitting some bosses with, but largely a waste of time, in my opinion.
Cure Wounds: The first scaling healing spell, 5+2 per skill. A must-have since the non-scaling healing spells really start falling off fast.
Cure Poison: No surprises, you want to be able to deal with all conditions when you can.
Speed: Another of the attributes that're worth boosting, once you get it to Master and it affects the entire party, I'd have this up as often as possible since being able to act more is good, and at sufficiently high levels Speed gains you an AC bonus as well.
Cure Disease: Once again, get this. Every time you have to haul your ass back to a temple to recover, you're wasting time, and Poison and Disease basically prevent in-dungeon resting entirely, so it's also possible to paint yourself into a corner by getting diseased or poisoned at the wrong time.

Around the back of the castle is one of the few wells in the game we can't drink from. Not just shouldn't, but can't. Either this is an oversight or maybe it'll have some vital and spooooky plot purpose later.

There are stairs up to the roof of the castle which display an unusual amount of graphical jankiness without me even trying to provoke it. The rooftop features a couple of people living in the turrets and also the royal library.

We can't do anything with the royal library yet, but we'll be back, as just about anyone with half a brain could guess.

All classes have two promotions that largely serve to upgrade their basic hitpoint/spellpoint progression and little else, though some of them do unlock extra training(for instance we need to do one of the Cleric promotion quests, even as non-clerics, before the Master Spirit trainer will give us the time of day), and in the case of Sorcerers and Clerics they also need to class upgrade to get Dark/Light magic access. The places to get said promotion quests are always the various regents' castles scattered around Enroth.

Some time later

The Seer is an optional part of the game, of sorts. In the era before it was easy to google up a comprehensive FAQ or wiki, he was actually a useful help.

So the Seer has three functions: He can tell you which Shrine is active each month(of course not where it is), and then if you can make it there before the month ends, you can get a permanent stat or resistance boost(+10 to the entire party on the first visit, +3 on subsequent visits). Note that the shrines aren't active until the Seer tells you they are, so you can't even just randomly stumble into them, you need his help.
Secondly, you can lament that you lost a quest item, and he can re-provide it for you, if, say, you hucked it into the ocean or some such. But he won't give you things you never had.
Lastly, he can suggest where you should head next and what you should do when you get there.

Castle Ironfist hosts the Shrine of Electricity, but we'd have to wait until September to use it. Once we get access to some fast mover spells at the top of the Water magic spellbook, we'll certainly want to make use of the shrines as often as possible.

This area has several swarms of Bloodsuckers in addition to the usual suspects, and I do mean swarms.

Goddamn Bloodsuckers

The Temples of Baa aren't entirely free, but goddamn, they're still charging close to 5% of the prices that the normal temples do. On the other hand they cackle maniacally as you leave. A small price to pay for cheap medicine.

For a setting with paladins, crusaders, clerics, druids, a spell called "divine intervention" and churchy temples, Might and Magic has always been extremely vague about its internal mythology. There are no named deities, there are no defined religious codes of morality, no holidays, nada. I mean, it's fair for a game to just treat divine magic as another service if it doesn't want to get into that, but once it starts setting up evil cults as an opponent, they start making you think about these things and you start realizing there's no real answer or reason why anyone should trust the normal temples more than the Temples of Baa.

So yeah, that teleporter back at Castle Ironfist would have dumped you half the map away. You could PROBABLY run back without TOO much damage if you realized what happened, or use an alternate way back, but it would be easy to panic and get picked apart by the local lizards.

The fountain is just a boring healing fountain, and the platform takes you back to Castle Ironfist, the obelisk, however...

It isn't a Might and Magic game without a long-running cipher/puzzle that'll run the width and length of the game before you get it figured out.

Vote of the Post
Where does the gang go next? We're flush with options for once:
Shadow Guild
Pros: We have a quest pointing us here. I might be able to kill the locals without too much trouble.
Cons: Short dungeon.
Dragoons' Caverns
Pros: We have a quest here, long dungeon
Cons: Locals will almost certainly own the party seven ways from sunday, stupid name
Corlagon's Estate
Pros: Skeleton puns
Cons: No quests, tons of conditions I can't do anything about, even if I can beat the locals the "end boss" is way out of the party's league
Temple of Baa
Pros: We have a quest here, enemies actually scaled for the party's abilities, long dungeon
Cons: None.
Snergle's Caverns
Pros: Might be able to beat up the locals, mid-length dungeon
Cons: No quests, dwarves might own me
Pursue the Circus
Pros: Clowns
Cons: Clowns, completely irrational course of action that gets us no closer to finding Prince Nicolai, will probably drag us through several zones that will own me hideously(possibly should be a pro?)
Please drop in two votes, just in case the first vote drags me somewhere the party can't handle, so I'm guaranteed a second option without needing to ask for a re-vote.